The 2023 Rugby World Cup Guide - episode 1 - What you need to know in a rugby match

6/12/2023 15:58
modified on
7/12/2023 11:35

Get ready to enter the tumultuous rugby arena, a world where strategy, strength, and team spirit come together to create an unforgettable sporting spectacle. Whether you've always been a rugby fan or looking to improve your forecasting skills, this article is for you. In view of the next 2023 Rugby World Cup in France, We are going to unravel the details of a rugby match. This valuable information will allow you not only to understand the subtleties of the game, but also to make more accurate forecasts and thus become the champion of your business on the platform. Scorecast Business. So get ready to dive into this fascinating sport and improve your prediction game!



Course of a rugby match


Rugby is played 15 against 15 and in the end, the All-Blacks win! Even if the adage is less true than it was at one time, New Zealand is historically the best country in rugby union!


The World Cup happens every 4 years and this year...







... it's being played in France, Cocorico! And the Blues, as we'll see below, are not far from being the favorites.




But let's start at the beginning! Rugby is a sport that was born in England in 1823. On the pitch, two teams of 15 players compete for 80 minutes, interspersed with a half in the middle. The match is played on a field of about a hundred meters and the ball has the particularity of being oval.

Their aim is to score more points than their opponent thanks to three possible actions:









The test - 5 points


A try is scored when a player flattens the ball into the opposing end. The end is the area behind the posts. Basically, you have to break through the defense and put the ball in the opponent's camp. An essay earns 5 points.



The transformation - 2 points


For there to be an attempt at transformation, there must be a trial. The transformation is a stopped kick that must pass between the posts and above the crossbar. It's worth 2 points.




The penalty - 3 points


The penalty is a stopped kick caused by a foul by the opponent. When the foul is suffered, the team has the option of opting for a kick attempt where it must pass the ball between the posts. If she succeeds, she earns 3 points.



The drop - 3 points


The drop is also a kick but unlike the transformation or the penalty, it is carried out in full action. If a player considers himself well placed, he can try to send the ball between the posts. Subtlety: he must first bounce the ball off the ground before kicking it. It's 3 points in his pocket if he succeeds.


The 5 words you need to know

To avoid being seen as a service ostrich, it's best to review your vocabulary.


Front/Rear : Roughly speaking, the front ones are the big ones that are growing and the backs are the small ones that run. The forwards are eight, including forming the melee and helping in the rucks. The backs are seven, more at the back of the field, and are more skilled at the foot and faster in the ball in hand.


🧢 Melee ; After a foul, the forwards push shoulder to shoulder and form a kind of shell. The ball is introduced at their feet and the aim is to push harder to follow the ball to start the game.


πŸ‰β†—οΈ Onward: In rugby, you are not allowed to make the ball fall forward or pass forward: otherwise, it's a mess!


πŸ’₯πŸ€• Plating : In defense, a player tackles by catching the opponent to bring him to the ground. Sometimes, the pad turns into a tampon and that hurts!




Ruck : A tackled player must let go of the ball. His teammates can then come and protect the ball. Ruck, that means grouping!


Now that you are armed with the basics to understand how a rugby match unfolds, you are ready to dive deeper into the specifics of the 2023 Rugby World Cup. Stay tuned in the coming days for our next episode, where we'll explore the favorite teams for the title, as well as the underdogs who could surprise us. With Scorecast Business, you'll not only be well-prepared to take full advantage of each match, but also to be the champion of your business in the prediction game. So don't forget to come back for Episode 2 of our 2023 Rugby World Cup Guide, and in the meantime, may the best prediction win!


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