Reasons to choose Scorecast Business for your 2024 business prediction game by Flexifleet

12/3/2024 16:42
modified on
13/3/2024 10:58

Flexifleet, the partner of VTC drivers, involved its drivers in a major prediction competition game during the CAN 2024 on Scorecast Business. During the month-long competition, more than 1,000 people competed to win the prizes offered by Flexifleet.

Official Flexifleet communication for their Scorecast Business game during CAN 2024
Choosing Scorecast Business quickly became an obvious choice for our company.

Why choose Scorecast Business?

Nassim Arkoub, Project Manager at Flexifleet. We chose Scorecast Business for several reasons. First of all, the offer seemed to us very quickly the most adapted to what we were looking for, both in terms of tools and budget. Scorecast Business offers a very competitive price/performance ratio. What's more, we really appreciated the reliability, responsiveness and efficiency of the Scorecast Business teams. They were always available to answer our questions and provide any assistance we needed.

Overall, Scorecast Business stood out for their approach, their understanding of our needs with a tailored product offering several interesting solutions, and the feeling that we were dealing with passionate professionals. The decision to place our trust in Scorecast Business very quickly became an obvious one for our company.

You are our 1st customer to have used the personalized form. Did it meet your expectations, particularly in terms of CRM?

Yes, the customized form perfectly met our expectations, especially in terms of CRM.

The custom form is a new Scorecast Business feature, available as an option in all plans for all competitions. It enables additional information to be collected when players register. This data is then saved and secured in our databases (respecting current RGPD rules) and is available to administrators from the administration interface.

Custom Scorecast Business form for Flexifleet
Example of a custom registration form for the Flexifleet platform

As competition administrator, how did you get to grips with the platform?

Getting to grips with the platform as competition administrator went very smoothly. We found the interface user-friendly and intuitive, which enabled us to manage the competition efficiently without encountering any major difficulties. Overall, our experience with the platform was very positive, and we were able to complete all our administrative tasks with ease.

What did the players say about the competition?

Feedback from players on the competition has been extremely positive. We received several testimonials from participants thanking us for setting up the operation. They really appreciated taking part in the competition on Scorecast Business. It's vital for a company's image!

Player feedback on the competition has been extremely positive.

Can you tell us a few words about the atmosphere generated among your drivers during this game for the CAN 2024?

The atmosphere among our customers during the CAN 2024 game was at its peak. They were totally committed and into the game.

You too can set up your own corporate prediction game, with or without a personalized form, on Scorecast Business for the Euro 2024, Olympic or Paralympic Games. Our sales team will be happy to show you our game formats. Reserve a time directly for this demo.

Our warmest thanks to Nassim and his teams for trusting us with this communication activation at Flexifleet, which was a great success!

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