Scorecast Business, a unique experience!

6/12/2023 15:58
modified on
7/12/2023 15:37
Knowledge is acquired through experience, everything else is just information.

Albert Einstein

Mathematician, Physicist, Scientist (1879 - 1955)

Know that we have gained our experience thanks to the more than two million players who have used Scorecast since 2014. Every weekend, nearly 50,000 people play with us in national and international soccer, basketball, rugby and handball competitions.

Scorecast site / IOS / ANDROID

©copyright Wendy Wei

We are and have been listening to their needs, their desires, their difficulties and have always sought to build and refine the scorecast experience so that it is as strong as it is effective.

Our players love sport and the game, but also want to share the pleasure of participating in a competition in the best possible environment. Like a business, an individual can create a forecasting competition and invite his friends.

The loyalty of our oldest players and the constant increase in registrations and competitions show that we are close to their needs.

Our players share with us the things that are most valuable to them: friends and family.

©copyright Helena Lopes

Mistakes are not allowed.

You can trust us. Offer moments of pleasure, relaxation and conviviality to your teams.

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